Bio-Hacking: 4 Ways You Can Optimize Your Life


How to Optimize Your Life with Bio-Hacking

You may have heard of bio-hacking, but what is it? And how can you use it to optimize your life? In short, bio-hacking is the process of using science and technology to hack one’s biology. This can be done in a number of ways, from diet and lifestyle changes to supplements and gadgets.



You are what you eat, so make sure to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. That means plenty of healthy fats, proteins, and vegetables. Processed foods and sugars will only drag you down. In fact, eating to optimize health can not only benefit your body but may help the planet too. I encourage you to listen to this amazing podcast with Tony Robbins and Mark Hyman talking all about bio-hacking:!e8950


Grab Mark Hyman’s book here


Yeah, yeah, yeah we’ve all heard it before- exercise is crucial for both physical and mental health. But unfortunately, it is the truest statement there is. I like to say “abs are made in the kitchen but my sanity is made in the gym”. I can absolutely tell when I haven’t been moving enough because my ADHD symptoms get WAY worse. The problem is, it’s hard to get myself to the gym or out on a hike because, ya know, executive function. But, once I’m there and have done it, it’s out of the way and I know my future self is soooo thankful. Truth is, you’re not going to be motivated every day, just show up with intention and you’ve achieved 80% of that goal already.

I firmly believe in exactly everything she says in this video: (warning: explicit language)


A good night’s sleep is essential for optimal health. Make sure to get 7-8 hours per night. If you have trouble sleeping, there are a number of things you can do to hack your sleep cycle. Try to set a consistent schedule for bedtime. Your body will form a habit of winding down at the same time every night, making it easier to fall asleep. If you’re like me and need a little bit more help falling asleep, consider adding a magnesium supplement. I’ve been taking Calm magnesium for years and it has done wonders for not only sleep, but overall health. Especially…


Stress Management

Stress is inevitable, but there are ways to manage it so that it doesn’t take over your life. This is why I recommend creating systems to reduce overwhelm in this post.

Bio-hacking is a great way to optimize your life. By making simple changes to your diet, exercise routine, sleep habits, and stress management techniques, you can easily transform your health – and your life!

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